Today is the 21st and final day of this three week challenge and I started off with my daily affirmations. I put my main focus on the IAM app as well as this website called, “50 Positive Self-Affirmations“. I chose number 50 from the website that said, “Happiness is a choice, and today I choose to be happy”. I said that to myself six times. As I’m coming to a close of this activity that I’ve done for the past 21 days, I’ve felt happier even on the days when my mood was a bit low. Despite, whatever I go through, I choose to seek happiness because I deserve to be happy. We all deserve to be happy! Try not to let anyone or anything rain on your life parade, y’all!

Now, I focused on the IAM app throughout the day (for the final time) because I have it set to notify me with a new affirmation every hour. When I get a notification, I usually try to stop what I’m doing, read it, and then repeat it to myself. The top five that I felt the most happy with today were:

  1. “I take care of myself as I heal”
  2. “I see only good qualities when I look in the mirror”
  3. “I will achieve success in every area of my life”
  4. “I am as kind to myself as I am to others”
  5. “I take care of myself, mentally, spiritually, and physically”
  6. Bonus: “Mistakes are how I grow”

Now, going back to the checklist, after just these top 5 affirmations here are the improvements I felt today.

9 Benefits Checklist provided by Happier Human:

  1. Decrease health-deteriorating stress
  2. Control self-sabotaging thoughts and speech ✔
  3. Reduce anxiety ✔
  4. Improve mood ✔
  5. Promote positive coping
  6. Enhance self-esteem ✔
  7. Improve problem-solving under stress
  8. Can help you find love
  9. May change outcomes ✔

I personally felt like numbers 2, 3, 4, 6 and 9 were a bit improved today after doing these affirmations. I wanted to say ALL for the “final hoorah” but then I wouldn’t be being truthful. Haha. The affirmations above were self care/ self confidence related, I feel. They were great reminders to work on yourself and take care of yourself. As you can see, I’m trying to go out with a bang, so I decided to add a bonus one. I really liked this bonus one and honestly just had to share it. It’s so true, mistakes are how we grow. Unfortunately, some of the mistakes we make are a HARD LESSON and can be a bit embarrassing but no matter the outcome, we always learn from it. We also gain wisdom, knowledge, and strength from it that we can pass on to help others. Heck, with me, I feel like I should write a guidebook. Hahaha. But unfortunately, I don’t know it all and I haven’t experienced it all yet and I honestly might never experience it all. There’s just so much to experience in this life and in this world. I also still have more growing and learning to do, as we all do. I don’t think we all ever really stop learning and growing.

Well, that’s all folks! Final review/comments tomorrow


With love,
Jasmine P~